COVID-19 Protocols



  • Arrive for your appointment alone. Unless you are the parent or guardian of a minor receiving treatment or require physical assistance.

  • If you arrive early, we ask that you wait in your car as we want to limit the amount of people in the spa.

  • Bring a face covering. If you happen to forget it a mask will be provided for you upon your arrival.

  • Pre-screening questions will be conducted at the door when you arrive.
    • Have you or anyone in your household had any of the following symptoms in the last 21 days: sore throat, cough, chills, body aches for unknown reasons, shortness of breath for unknown reasons, loss of smell, loss of taste, fever at or greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit?
    • Have you or anyone in your household been tested for COVID-19 in the past 21 days?
    • Have you or anyone in your household traveled outside of New England (in U.S. or abroad) in the past 21 days?
    • Have you or anyone in your household cared for an individual who is in quarantine or is a presumptive positive or has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 21 days?

  • Be prepared to have your temperature taken. A member of our staff will greet you at the door and take your temperature with a no contact thermometer. The CDC states that a fever is 100.4°. If you have a fever, your appointment will be rescheduled.

  • Sanitize your hands. Once you have entered the building, we will provide you with hand sanitizer.

  • Proceed directly to your treatment room. While respecting appropriate social distancing protocol, our staff will guide you directly to your treatment room.

  • We will be staggering patient arrival as well as check out times in accordance to social distancing.

  • All staff must wear a mask at all times.

  • All treatments will be performed with a provider wearing a mask. If your treatment doesn’t cover a face area you will be asked to keep the mask for the duration of the visit.

  • All treatment rooms will be cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized between each patient and after the final patient of the day.

  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizers for hand hygiene will be made available for patient and Staff use.



Our entire staff has been vaccinated!

As CDC guidance and recommendations change over time, we will update our policy accordingly.


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