Hyperhidrosis (Sweat reduction) in Newburyport, North Shore, MA

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About miraDry for Hyperhidrosis

Sweating is a natural bodily function that helps keep our bodies cool when we become hot during exercise or exertion. Sweating beneath your arms when you are active or nervous is very normal while excessive sweating that causes staining and embarrassment is a medical condition known as hyperhidrosis. If your perspiration causes you embarrassment, or your sweat has a strong smell, Titan Medical Aesthetics can help with miraDry. This Miramar Labs system is approved by the FDA to safely and effectively reduce sweat and odor glands in your underarms. Your body contains more than two million sweat glands, 2% of which are found in the underarms. miraDry removes these sweat glands, eliminating hyperhidrosis symptoms and restoring your confidence. Contact our team, led by Dr. Guy Navarra, in Newburyport, North Shore, MA to learn more!

Ideal Candidates

You may be an ideal candidate for miraDry if you are in search of a solution to control the sweat and odor from your underarms. miraDry can help those who:

  • Consistently have problems with heavy and odorous underarm sweat
  • Stain their clothing in the underarm area due to overactive sweat glands
  • Feel their constant use of antiperspirant could be harmful
  • Are self-conscience about their perspiration

Miradry Procedure Technique

miraDry is a noninvasive treatment that will be completed in the comfort of our office in a short period of time. Before beginning, your underarms will be cleaned and marked with a pen to designate the treatment area. Next, a topical anesthetic will be applied to the area to ensure that you remain comfortable through the duration of the treatment. Finally, the miraDry applicator will be passed over the skin, using light suction to bring the sweat glands closer to the device. Lastly, the light energy in the device will target your sweat glands while leaving the surface of your skin cool. Your treatment will be completed in around an hour. 

What to Expect

Following treatment, your underarm area may be red, tingly, numb, and/or slightly swollen. However, you will have an immediate reduction in perspiration. Your sweat glands will not return once removed so your results will be long-term. To ensure you achieve optimal results, Dr. Navarra recommends two treatments around two months apart. Patients are safe to return to daily activities immediately following their session but should avoid rigorous exercise for a few days or until approved by the Titan Medical Aesthetics team.



Is miraDry right for me?
Excessive sweating that occurs uncontrollably even when you are not nervous or active is common among patients with hyperhidrosis. If you are suffering from similar symptoms and are ready for a solution, miraDry may be an ideal treatment for you.

How many miraDry treatments will I need?
While you will notice excellent results immediately following your first treatment, studies have shown and physicians have found that the best results are attained by those who have a second treatment a few months after their first. Patients who opt for a second treatment typically enjoy an 80% overall reduction in underarm perspiration after their second treatment.

Is miraDry safe?
The miraDry system is approved by the FDA approved for the long-term, safe treatment of hyperhidrosis. Since only 2% of your body's total sweat glands are found under the arms, the loss is not unsafe and will not affect your overall health.

Say Farewell to fear

Do you fear being active in public? Do you wear dark-colored clothing to avoid dealing with underarm stains? If you answered yes, stop worrying about underarm sweat and contact Titan Medical Aesthetics to learn more about miraDry. Save yourself the worry, your clothes from the stains, and your body from the toxins found in antiperspirant. Call our Newburyport, North Shore, MA office today to learn how miraDry can change your life. We look forward to hearing from you. 

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.